Saturday, February 21, 2015


All three embryos survived thaw although one was not good enough to transfer. I asked to have only one transferred. The other two were discarded. Not sure how I feel about that now.

The transfer was smooth and I was in and out of the clinic in an hour. I also got crinone while I was there. I would prefer that once a day rather than 4 little pellets twice a day.

I can test after 14 days on a POAS or beta in 12.

Now for the infernal two week wait!


  1. I was thinking of you around 10 this morning, european time, wondering out loud about your PUPO status. wondering about the number of embryos indeed. Congratulations on having taken this whole chain of decisions that brought you to Pupo. Wishing you bliss and pink clouds for the next two weeks. They will pass no matter what, you are doing what you can already, so might as well enjoy it.
    (I know, easier said than done.)
    Best of luck!
